A Revolutionary New Strategy For Day Trading Futures
The Power Emini Momentum System
What is the Momentum System?
It’s a state-of-the-art Futures Trading “algo” that shows you an EXACT Entry level, Stop, Trailing Stops and Targets. The Alerts are delivered through a Windows Desktop app that runs in real-time on your computer during the cash session.
The Momentum System can be traded purely mechanically.
There are tons of complicated indicators out there on the market – super expensive “training” courses – and trading rooms. We chose an entirely different paradigm that lets you simplify your approach to being a successful Futures Trader – A fully-automated trading program that does all the hard work behind the scenes and delivers the Best Futures Trading Signals right to your Desktop via a software program / app.
Simply place the trades at your existing broker using the trading platform you are already using.
Here’s a Brief Overview of How it Works
Shortly after the cash session open, the software displays the “Dynamic Trigger Range” and the system is looking to play a directional breakout of that range. The System looks to trade the “primary trend of the session”. Many days there is just one Alert per session. We capitalize on the primary trend by taking a precision entry, then look to take profits at each of 2 computed Targets – meanwhile trailing our initial stop as price moves.
The software displays all the exact levels in real-time. Your Entry, Initial Stop, Trailing Stop and Targets are numbers – there’s no ambiguity and no guesswork. Just follow the system
When the price starts to break out of the Trigger Range the software looks for an optimal Entry level and then gives an “Alert”. Once that Alert “triggers in” the software gives an Initial Stop and 2 Targets – where we look to lock in profits as the price moves in our favor. The Initial Stop turns into a Trailing Stop and ratchets along with the price – but hangs back enough so that we aren’t knocked out of the trade on normal price fluctuation and small counter-trend moves.
All we need is for the price to get enough “traction” after our entry to make it to Target 1 and the trade is essentially in the clear – right around breakeven.
Target 1 is typically close enough so that it doesn’t take much follow-through to get hit – but it’s also a function of the “fill” we get on the Entry Trigger. We have a page that explains the “entry confirmation”:
So basically when T1 gets hit (75% of the time) the trailing stop will move enough to put the trade close to virtual breakeven so that if the price reverses and hits the “trailed stop” it will result in a small gain or loss (which will vary depending on the ranges and price action).
The recent improvements to the way the Trailing Stop moves changed everything!
As price approaches or hits Target 1 the Trailing Stop automatically “ratchets”
When the price hits Target 1 the trade is basically at Breakeven.
The BIG POINTS are scored when the price hits Target 2
T2 is a “way out” target so the system is designed to shoot for big point gains. Everything is “dynamic” meaning that the stops and targets are a function of the ranges and ATR’s in the market in any given session. This way the system adapts to any type of market environment, no matter how volatile it is at any given time. Target 2 can range from roughly 12 to 25+ points depending on the market environment and ranges in the market that session.
Many days there is only 1 Alert per session and the market trends in the direction of the range breakout and never looks back – and continues on to hit both Targets. On certain long-range days in the market the trailing stop ratchets past T2 and that’s where the “runner” contracts come in. By the time Target 2 is hit the Trailing Stop is around or past your Entry so there is no risk on any additional contracts held past T2.
Keep in mind everything is based on the price action in the market, meaning everything is “dynamic” based on the current ATR’s and ranges in the market.
It adapts to any type of market environment because of this.
When the market gets really volatile and makes huge moves, that’s when the system really performs. The more “action” in the market the more the system thrives. That’s when the system will capture point gains than you ever thought possible.
The system is designed to score BIG POINTS
There will be occasional choppy days where the price zig-zags above and below the “Range” and those are not the best days for the system because there’s no real directional movement. Most traders know that on super dull, choppy, low participation days it’s tough to make trades work no matter what type of system you are trading. Stop-outs are part of Futures Trading and every system, no matter how good it is will have stop-outs. It’s just the nature of trading.
One of the major advantages to trading the Power Emini Momentum System is… That it’s a Breakout System and by it’s very nature you are guaranteed to be in a trade any time the market makes a significant directional move.
Here’s how to get started.
We recommend that new users start off with 2 MES or MNQ Micro Contracts and just shoot for Target 1 and Target 2, selling one contract at each of those targets.
After a few profitable weeks you scale up by adding 1 additional contract. Now you are trading 3 contracts, selling 2 Contracts at Target 1 and 1 Contract at Target 2.
The next scale up you move to 4 Contracts. Sell 2 Contracts at Target 1, one Contract at Target 2 and then hold the last contract as the “runner”. The Runner contract stays on until price tags the Trailing stop, which will be over the Entry and constantly “ratcheting”. On certain days the runner contract(s) will get taken out somewhere between T1 and T2, while other days the Trailing Stop will surpass Target 2.
If you haven’t seen this page, there’s a good video about how the Momentum system works about 1/2 way down:
This is the most unique, cutting-edge algo we’ve ever created.
Take the software for a test-drive today – there’s no big upfront cost and no obligation.
Everything is included in the price – Click the button below for the Special Offer.
Here’s a screenshot of the Fully-Automated Power Emini Alert Software.
PowerEmini Day Trading Futures – Automated Algo