Putting Things In Perspective
We have all heard the old British saying… “Penny wise, Pound foolish.” which is basically describing someone that may go to great lengths to skimp in order to save a few pennies here and there, but then through carelessness goes onto lose a much larger sum. The classic example is the fellow that drives 20 miles out of his way to save 5 cents a gallon on gas. Emini Traders can likewise fall into this same “penny wise, pound foolish” trap – literally losing thousands of dollars in their trading accounts through sloppy analysis and rookie mistakes before they will invest a tiny fraction of what they have lost for something that might actually help them. Sometimes folks are too stubborn for their own good… so it’s beneficial to put things in perspective and show just what might be gained by trading off of Automated System Signals vs. the cost.
What It Takes To Be A Successful E-mini Day Trader
Lets review what it takes to become a successful E-Mini day trader. There are 2 main factors that will determine if you go on to survive in electronic futures day trading. First, High Precision Entries, (the e-mini futures is a fast, dynamic and highly leveraged market – your entries have to be spot on – or you lose BIG – Period – it’s a “take no prisoners” environment. Second, Trade Management Approach – the e-mini market moves in defined patterns and distances with great regularity – if you have the correct trade configurations, targets and trailing stops you can maximize the points captured and minimize the points given up. The smallest changes in calibrations can make a world of difference.
While finding good trading setups is an extremely important part of any trading approach, there is another side to the coin that is typically not focused on to any great extent by most traders. Unfortunately the majority of traders never get past the “hunt for the next greatest magical trade setup that’s supposed to make them a fortune” phase – so they can move on to the Equally Important Trade Management Phase. Like clockwork… when one trade setup doesn’t appear to work out like described in the book or the YouTube video, the hunt starts all over again for a new and better setup. In order to break out of this amateur-level vicious circle, Traders must eventually pick a solid and reliable method of determining their entry points, stick to them… and then focus on the equally important task of fine tuning the required Trade Management skills.
You May Be Sabotaging Yourself… If You Are Not Trading Off Of Automated Signals
If you are still hunting trade setups the old fashioned “hard” way by sitting and staring at your charts waiting for your moving averages to cross or trying to interpret what your latest indicator is really trying to tell you… you may be zapping all of your mental strength and energy – in effect sabotaging yourself. Sophisticated Automated Trading Signals eliminate this first phase all together and you can turn your attention to focus on managing the correct trade configurations which work nicely off the precision signals.
Imagine you are a baseball player getting steady pitches straight over home plate, and all you have to do is focus on hitting the ball and running around the bases? This is what Automated System Signals offer, good, clean state-of-the-art E-mini Trade Alerts that you can play with confidence focusing all of your attention now on the Tactical Trade Management end. You have just reduced half the work and have successfully ended the misguided hunt for the next Holy Grail – never-lose trade setup.
At $99/month, (our current 1/2 price special subscription rate) the Power E-mini Automated Signals delivered through the Desktop Alert Software may be the most cost effective tool you will ever come across to improve your game in Emini Trading, – this breaks down to only $5 per trading day – or the cost of just 1 commission on 1 contract. The system averages 3-5 trade alerts per day, or about 100 quality Emini trade alerts per month. This breaks down to roughly $1 per trade alert. Imagine catching a 5 point runner off of one or our precision signals utilizing our advanced trade management approach that we teach you – and it cost you a buck to know where to get in! How is that for low cost overhead?
Take the plunge and get signed up today and give our Automated E-Mini Signals a try for a month… it’s super easy to do. After the first week following our trade signals you may want to kick yourself, wondering why you waited around so long to get started!
This could end up being the best $99 you ever spend on yourself.
Sign Up Today – And Trade The Signals Tomorrow